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Fishery Report 2024

30th October Catch Report

The end of the boat season for members approaches but the fishery will remain open for bank fishing and day tickets will be welcome as usual.

We have just completed the first in a series of fish counts, too early to share the results but safe to say there are plenty in there – particularly a good head of coarse fish.

Information shared between members and our day ticket guests is more important than ever as the weather changes and the fishing can be slower. No particular methods have yet become the norm but the fish do appear to be mid water with some being picked up on floating lines, some on sinking lines, but most coming to intermediate. One of our guests fishing Upper Roddlesworth for the first time enjoyed consistent sport with an intermediate line fishing at mid water using nymph patterns.

The fish are still shoaling so a search around the bank may be important. Be very careful however as the wet weather has left access  to some parts of the south bank very slippy, if not treacherous. A walking stick or wading staff (used on the bank!) would be a good idea to prevent accidents.

Do enjoy the mild weather before it changes!!

Tight lines.


Bank 185 rods average 1.24

Boats 24 rods average  0.66

Total catch  247

Removed  86

28th September Catch Report

Autumn is here and the vista at Upper Roddlesworth is delightful!

As the leaves are turning, the colours look lovely and the many still days on the water are showing stunning reflections.

Unfortunately, lovely reflections mean harder fishing and leaves turning colours end up in the water! However fish are still coming regularly and some members having success with lures again and slow/static buzzers fished deep.

Lots of the fish that have been caught have been well over 2lb, some more like 3lb, so huge thanks to Kilsney trout farm for their supplies throughout the season.

Thank you to our day ticket guests that continue to support us as we intend to operate the fishery throughout the year.


Bank 51 rods average 2.44

Boats 27  rods average  1.89

Total catch 298

Removed  79

30th August Catch Report

What a strange month that was,

The expected change in the weather at the beginning of the month just made things worse! Reports from members during the last period are that the catches have followed the weather with no consistency – even from day to day.

The temperature throughout has remained steady but conditions have been all over the place. Similarly with the fishing. Early on you had to be deep down to get them, then just under the surface or on the surface with daddies,hoppers etc. through the middle of the the month.

However. Since the bank holiday the reservoir has fished really well with black sedge fished on top or pulled back slowly under the surface being the tactic. Daddie season of course is here and buzzers fished static about 3ft down are working too.

As September looms there surely will be more consistency both in the weather and in the fishing.

There is opportunity with muddlers across the top usually in Autumn at Upper Roddlesworth when the larger specimens turn on to the fry – lets look forward to this years activity.

Thank you to our day ticket guests that have enjoyed their visits with us and to our members for attacking the Himalayan Balsam and to those attending the recent Angling Trust Litter Pick.

Tight Lines


Bank 113 rods average 1.57

Boats 15 rods average  2.80

Total catch 219

Removed  64

27th July Catch Report

Tough 10 days since the last report. With the fine weather the water temperature has risen significantly and the fishing can be a bit tough.

The shoals are fairly static so moving constantly is recommended and most results are coming to deep tactics ie floating line with long leaders or intermediate line.

There have been some great evening fishing when there is a bit of a breeze ( helps to keep the midges away too!) and the wild brownies are showing well , close in by the bushes or along the edge of dam. Care needed with your back casts – please report any lost leader/flies so we can retrieve them.

A change of weather is expected so conditions will no doubt improve.

Tight lines


Bank 49 rods average 1.60

Boats 21 rods average  2.00

Total catch 119

Removed  33

18th July Catch Report

Settled weather? Who said that!

I reckoned last report that summer had arrived – well perhaps meteorological only!

With the ups and downs of temperature, wind, rain/sun etc the fishing has been a bit patchy. The catch rate however has been maintained because when the fish are on, rods are doing well.

As you would expect at this point in the season, most fish are coming to naturals with the usual contenders ie buzzers,diawl bach, daddies,montana accounting for most. When the going gets tough – fishing deeper with gold heads on a floater with a long leader or midge tip seem to be the go to method.

Thank you to our “balsam bashers”who have been working enthusiastically for all our benefits as we struggle to deal with this invasion, which could have a huge effect on the fishery in the long term.

Tight lines


Bank 113 rods average 2.12

Boats 21 rods average  2.14

Total catch 285

Removed  65

19th June Catch Report

There are consistent results now from the fishery as the better settled weather is upon us. Loads of top of the water activity with daddies suspender buzzers and klinkhammer all doing well. Some outstanding visits to the water by our dayticket guests with double figure catches on a couple of occasions!

The longer evenings from  the end of June and through July  should bring the legendary Roddlesworth rise, particularly when the wind is light, so never mind the football or tennis – come and get some fresh air!!

Tight lines


Bank 107 rods average 3.04

Boats 17 rods average  4.05

Total catch 395

Removed  73

4th June Catch Report

As we move in to Summer (meteorological) we should expect some more settled weather than of recent!

The wind is perhaps the biggest issue of late but when combined with the rain – well we have had biblical conditions at some points. When we have postpone bailiff sessions because of a weather warning – well that’s serious.

However, when it has been fine the fishing has been excellent and continues to be our best season on record. The fish are well up in the water and there have been some superb dry fly catches recorded with shipmans buzzers, hoppers and even daddies doing well – interestingly not many to my muddlers yet!

The boat fishing seems to have been most affected by conditions but both banks and the dam wall are fishing well.

Thank you to our day ticket visitors who, since the last report, are averaging a creditable 1.5 catch average. Huge thanks especially to those submitting a catch return online and/or via the Clubmate app.

looking good for the next few weeks!!

Tight lines.


Bank 82 rods average 2.89

Boats 18  rods average  2.05

Total catch 270

Removed  53

22nd May Catch Report

Just over a week since the last report and the fishing continues to be great.

The recent warm weather has meant more trout are now being caught right off the top emergers, cdc buzzers and daddy longlegs!?! catching regularly. Not as many coming to lures as the fish are settling on the naturals and well spread out around the water, Most spots will produce with the South  bank and the dam wall being most popular.

If you are new to the water or a visitor please be very careful on the north bank where a large tree has fallen across the bank restricting access somewhat.

Thank you to our day ticket guests that have visited  in greater numbers than ever. You are most welcome and please chat to any members fishing for help or advice to help make your day with us a success.

As  I mentioned last time the fauna and flora is stunning and now probably at its best.

Enjoy – tight lines.


Bank 63 rods average 2.03

Boats 6  rods average  3.33

Total catch 147

Removed  31

10th May Catch Report

Since the last report the warmer weather has shown up!

More rods have been out, particularly during the last week of April and over the May bank holiday, and notwithstanding the increase in activity, the catch averages are holding up well.

As reported last time there are some cracking fish coming to the fly, all hard fighting healthy fish which give a good account of themselves. There have been a few trout showing signs of cormorant damage and please continue to report this – photographic evidence is very helpful.

Members are reporting fish at all depths and there have been some brilliant catches to buzzers drifted on a “washing line” when there is a good rise happening.

At the moment the surrounding area is in full bloom with a beautiful show of bluebells and wild garlic just making your fishing visit even more special.

Thank you to our day ticket guests who continue to support us.

Tight lines.


Bank 140 rods average 2.93

Boats 16  rods average  3.50

Total catch 467

Removed  87

29th April Catch Report

The results just keep on coming!!

Some fabulous sessions at Upper Roddlesworth notwithstanding the cold winds and wet conditions.

There are some cracking fish being taken and once the weather warms up there should be a lot more surface action.

The low water levels earlier in the year do not seem to have done too much damage to the fly life as the fish are now taking naturals with buzzers, diawl bach and montana flies catching well.

Huge thanks to everyone that attended the open day on the 20th. It was a great success with lots of visitors who showed a lot of interest in what we do. The fly tying and casting demos were of great interest – as were Brians bacon butties to keep us going.

Please be careful on the banks, there is a lot of water holding on them, the mud is over boot depth in places and access can be slippy.

Have a successful day on your next visit – make it soon!

Tight lines!!


Bank 85 rods average 3.74

Boats 5  rods average  3.60

Total catch 336

Removed 54

19th April Catch Report

Wow!! Start with a bang!

Since the beginning of the month the fishery has been performing extremely well. Current catch rate is an average of 4.2 fish per visit!

The maintenance work is well behind us now, the water is very full and the wildlife all returning  with the longer spring days, whats not to like??

We are looking forward to our open day on the 20th April where we can welcome all Upper Roddlesworth users to an informative day.

From a fishing point of view, all methods are working – congrats to one of our members ,Alex, who had a lively 13″ brownie to a dry!!

Thank you all of our fishers who continue to return their catches carefully with a release rate of over 80%

Tight lines till next time!!


Bank 108 rods average 4,20

Boats 0  rods average   0

Total catch 454

Removed 108

4th April Catch Report

May I say welcome to the new season?

We didnt close the fishery but this year, prior to this report there have been 35 rods fishing during January to March with only 9 fish caught.

Mitigating circumstances were the extensive maintenance and lack of water with no stocking access.

All this is now behind us!! The last couple of weeks have been brilliant with great catches being reported (see below)

The members boats will be put on on the 6th April, all members who can are called to attend the work party at 9:00am to help with this.New members can have their boat induction.

Please note our “OPEN DAY” on 20th April 10:00 – 16:00 with representatives from United Utilities, Ramblers assoc, EA, Anglers Trust, Rural Police. -Full details to follow.

Tight Lines!!


Bank 73 rods average 3.61

Boats 0  rods average   0

Total catch 264

Removed 70

Since the last report 23 members and 6 day ticket guests have braved the elements and managed to cast a line!

Lots of blanks, with a couple of surprising 3 fish returns, means the fishing is hard,as you would expect, but fresh air, lovely surroundings – whats not to like?

The fishery is remaining open during what was traditionally  a closed season for the water, but vehicle access to members is now restricted until the end of March.

There is some maintenance work on the reservoir scheduled for early ’24 and this will require the water levels to be dramatically reduced to provide a safe working environment. Please take extra care on the banks  when fishing as deep mud will be exposed in various areas.

Thank you to all our day ticket guests who have supported the fishery during 2023 and best wishes for 2024 to all our fishers.

Tight Lines!!


Bank 46 rods average 0.41

Boats 0  rods average   0

Total catch 19

Removed 11

Stocked to date 2024

Removed to date 607

17th November Catch Report

They say “when the going gets tough …….” Well the last three weeks have seen a change – and it is tough!

The surroundings to the reservoir look spectacular with all the Autumn colours so what a great place to spend a few hours and get some fresh air.

Thanks to all our members and day tickets guests who continue to fish, there have been some belters caught – including a fish of the season coming to one of our rods.

No further update on the maintenance expected at the reservoir, so expect the levels to remain consistent. The temperature of the water is now at normal levels so the fish are fighting hard if you get into them!

Reports are that the most productive tactics are fishing deep with a variety of lures, nymphs and traditional wets fished slowly – bit like we started off in March it seems.

Tight lines!!


Bank 91 rods average 1.00

Boats 0  rods average   0

Total catch 91

Removed 31

Stocked to date 2024

Removed to date 596

1st November Catch Report

As the Autumn winds are blowing the temperatures are falling, the clocks are going back and the water is full of leaves!!

Seriously, the fishery continues to produce – admittedly it is easy to blank but if you find the fish they are feeding and are really well conditioned now.

The water remains high and is in fact holding temperature so there are good days to be had particularly on less windy days.

The boats have been removed now as we anticipate some maintenance work on the reservoir so bank only from now on until next year.

Huge thanks to all members that turned up on the work party, and also huge thanks to our day ticket guests who continue to visit us on a regular basis.

The fishery is going to remain open throughout Autumn and Winter right through until Spring although  with restricted access for members from December.

Wrap up well, keep fishing, tight lines!!


Bank 129 rods average 1.82

Boats 13 rods average   3.52

Total catch 281

Removed 87

Stocked to date 2024

Removed to date 565

17th September Catch Report

Water is coming in and the fish are coming out!!

Finally we are seeing some consistency in the catch reports, as the hot weather has gone and the dampness has returned the fish are settling in to some steady feeding periods.

The reservoir is full and the water is clear (for Upper Roddlesworth) the water temperature is still a little on the warm side so many fish are being taken deep with sink lines or intermediate. There have been however some magic moments when terrestrials have landed!! Daddies, flying ants ,sedges and loads of midges make for great dry fly sport when they are on.

Construction work on the dam wall is now complete so access is via the two spring loaded gates towards the valve end. Apologies to our day ticket guests but members will unlock the gate at the jetty end – just show your ticket or pay pal receipt.

Thanks to all who helped with clearing the H Balsam and also thanks to the members for all your bailiff work.

Great times ahead! Tight Lines!!


Bank 118  rods average 1.87

Boats 35 rods average   2.82

Total catch 320

Removed 89

Stocked to date 2024

Removed to date 478

30th August Catch Report

As we approach the end of the school holidays and things get back to normal with visitors to the Roddlesworth  plantation we can look forward to quieter times.

Fortunately for the fishery, the changeable and poor weather has kept the public away and we haven’t had the issues we had last year with teenagers messing with the boats. Apart from a few (mad) wild swimmers and the usual dog walkers and ramblers, fishing has been steady and uninterrupted,

Stocking has continued and until recently we have had a full reservoir. Currently water is being taken to provide safe working conditions for contractors working on the overflow, which is only temporary, but will open up some hotspots on the north bank.

Fish are coming to all methods at the moment from sunk lines with lures to daddy longlegs on the top and everything in between!

The hot spell early in June, when the water level dropped drastically, seems to have had a significant impact on fly life. Perhaps the long exposure of the reservoir bed to very dry conditions destroyed the larvae that would normally produce insect life through the summer?

We took advantage of the exposed banks to clear the weed, which had become invasive, and that would also have an effect – but it is now growing back vigorously and we expect things to improve quickly now.

See the results below to see that the fishery is doing well and as we get to the back end of the season and the trout start feeding for the colder months, could be a classic!!

Tight lines as ever!


Bank 112  rods average 1.71

Boats 31 rods average   5.56

Total catch 293

Removed 70

Stocked to date 1724

Removed to date 389

31st July catch Report

Since our last report on the 12th things have really livened up!

The water is up (over full!) the temperature is down and the fish are coming out!!

As the month has progressed and the settled (bad) weather has continued, the water level has increased quickly and therefore the fresher, colder, water coming down the river and brooks supplying the reservoir have brought temperatures down.

The result is, with new stock being added, the resident population are feeding freely. The fish are spreading out and I am getting reports of pockets of fish all along the south bank and the dam wall. The boats are catching well over deep water and the north bank too.

Members report floating line with sink tip being the favoured method but there are fish coming higher up in the water now so floating line and dries will catch on the brighter, calmer evenings.

Thank you to our guest day tickets and huge thanks to all our members who have bailiffed the water this month.

Come and get your share!

Tight Lines!!


Bank 94  rods average 2.32

Boats 16 rods average   4.56

Total catch 291

Removed 64

Stocked to date 1400

Removed to date 319

12th July Catch Report

Greetings and welcome to this fishing report. Fishing rather than catching report !!

The last few weeks have been desperate with the dry and warm weather through June. This meant that water had to be extracted from the reservoir to support the downstream reservoirs. Consequently water temperatures rose quickly as the levels dropped dramatically and it led to very difficult conditions.

Many days were dog days and even the wild brownies were absent most days. We were requested to hold stocking while the conditions continued to deteriorate and this we did, like many fisheries, in the interest of fish welfare.

The turn of the month however has improved things dramatically. The water extraction has ceased and the rain has arrived! Water temperature remains on the high side, but is tumbling as the water levels rise quickly, and fish are coming to sink tip/intermediate or sunk lines with the occasional fish coming to the dry fly.

Stocking has commenced and we are expecting the catch returns to rise quickly, particularly if we have settled weather systems.

Tight lines ( hopefully) !!


Bank 100  rods average 0.79

Boats 30 rods average   2.30

Total catch 148

Removed 44

Stocked to date 1100

Removed to date 255

12th June Catch Report

Summer appears to have come early this year!! Can anyone remember a June as hot and sunny for so long?

The temperature of the water is reaching critical levels from a fishing point of view and as a consequence most catches are either right off the top – if you are fortunate to experience the rise ( early or late ) – or hard on to the bottom with a sinking line. Not ideal but can bring results.

The catch results are just about holding up at just under 1 per rod visit from the bank but the truth is that there are lots of blank returns. To our new members who have yet to score ( including me, but I have been at it for years! ) and to our day ticket visitors – don’t lose faith!!

The fishery has always been a challenge which adds to the interest, what cant be taken away are the stunning surroundings – so Upper Roddlesworth is always a lovely place to be.

On that point, the public are also attracted to the reservoir. Camping is illegal and swimming in not allowed. If you experience anything untoward you are entitled to politely ask them to stop and report  back to me any feedback.

United Utilities will be extracting water for the near future to supplement the Rivington system. Bad news is that water temperatures will be affected as the surface area reduces. Good news is the north back will open up. Great care needs to be taken when mud is exposed but the fishing over deeper water there should be more consistent.

Just off to do my daily rain dance  – tight lines!!


Bank 127  rods average 0.80

Boats 26 rods average   1.30

Total catch 136

Removed 31

Stocked to date 800

Removed to date 211

24th May Catch Report

Overall a disappointing two weeks. The catch rates have dropped off notwithstanding the stocking. There have been some cracking days followed by dog days. The constant changing wind direction and varying temperatures must be having an impact and either the fish are on it or not!

As the days lengthen the evening rise is becoming more consistent with lots of wild brownies coming to the dry fly, small black or green beetle and suspender buzzer being effective.

Thanks to our day ticket guests who are contributing to a good season, please ensure you carry your ticket or paypal receipt with you.

To all fishers please remember to have your EA licence available at all times as there will be a requirement to show on request with the regular patrols keeping an eye on the fishery.

With that – tight lines!!


Bank 80  rods average 1.17

Boats 11 rods average   3.27

Total catch 130

Removed 31

Stocked to date 800

Removed to date 180

10th May Catch Report

Conditions in the last two weeks have been superb in the main. With the weather settling down some of the fishing has been spectacular.

On the dog days Upper Roddlesworth can still be a challenge and, notwithstanding experience, it is possible to blank regularly as I know to my cost! The fishery however is looking beautiful at the moment so it is just a great place to be.

The fish are coming up in the water now and recently have been on black beetles, if you witness rises on these occasions the fish will be focused on small and black and in the surface film. Buzzers are still catching and less reports of fish coming to lures. As the weather warms up through May the top of the water sport will be increasing.

Thank you to our day ticket guests, you are most welcome and your average is a creditable 1.82 per visit!

Tight Lines!!


Bank 81  rods average 2 .30

Boats 16 rods average   3.50

Total catch 243

Removed 54

Stocked to date 650

Removed to date 149

25th April 23 Catch Report

In the last week the fishing has been spot on. The settled weather has made for much better results particularly from the bank.

The recent stockings have now established and there are some stunning catches being recorded with a number of larger than our average fish coming to the net.

The methods vary with sinking lines, intermediates and floating tactics all being reported – on one day members catching on dries with a floater and boobies on a sinker next to each other! In the main it is buzzer fishing that is the most consistent either straight lining or washing line both working well. The fish seem to be moving up and down the depths constantly so varying retrieve is the order of the day.

It is great to see our day ticket guests returning and you are most welcome. Do please let me have your catch returns too so I can report on your success.


Bank 54  rods average 1 .79

Boats 10 rods average   0.90

Total catch 125

Removed 27

Stocked to date 650

Removed to date 95

17th April 23 Catch Report

Since our opening last month there have been 154 members rods. bank average is 1.01 and boat 2.38.

The weather certainly has played a big part with cold days and wet and windy conditions making fishing challenging.

Delighted to welcome so many new members to the water and also our day ticket visitors.

The reservoir is beautiful at this time of year and as the weather settles this week the catch report will no doubt improve.

Be careful with tippet strength, a number a good fish in the 4lb category are showing and now that they are taking buzzers the initial strike can be vicious.

Tight lines for now!


Bank 141 rods average 1 .01

Boats 13 rods average   2.38

Total catch 164

Removed 51

Stocked to date 650

Removed to date 68

29th March 23 Catch Report

This report covers the fishery through the winter months from November/December through to March.

In the past we have closed the fishery at the end of December to give the flora and fauna a respite. At the end of 2020, following a delayed start to the season, this was reversed to give our members and day ticket fishers access all year.

Thirteen members did fish this period and a total of 6 day tickets were taken up and the results, such as they are, are below.

We are now “open” for 2023 with members’ boats being put back out on the reservoir last weekend. A magnificent turnout of 39 members attended a working party – a huge thanks to all those regulars that sorted the boats and repositioned the jetty and also special thanks to our new members who turned out in force and created new fishing spots by cutting back vegetation and repaired walls etc.

The new stock, supplied as ever by Kilsney Park trout farm, is in and settled waiting for your efforts!

Please may I remind you that it is barbless/de barbed hooks and please use a minimum of 6lb tippet – Kilsney have treated us to some belters to start the season with!!

Tight lines for 23


Bank 25 rods average 0 .68

Boats 0 rods average   0.00

Total catch 17

Removed 17

Stocked to date 300

Removed to date 17

7th November Catch Return

The cold and windy weather seems to be keeping the rods away! This report is for 21 rods only spread across 12 members, where is everyone?

The fishing is sporadic, as one would expect at this time of the year, but when the fish are feeding the catches are good.

Most fishers are catching lower down in the water with sinking lines the preferred option and using a variety of nymphs and lures. Fish can still be taken off the top with a daddy longlegs if there is a rise, particulary from the hotspots on the reservoir.

The boats have now been removed from the water and, fingers crossed, cormorant activity is much reduced. As usual however, please report any damaged fish with photo evidence where possible.

Tight lines – if you are brave enough!


Bank 21 rods average  1.68

Boats 2 rods average   2.00

Total catch 36

Removed 13

Stocked to date 1850

Removed to date 599

28th October Catch Return

Autumn is here suddenly!

Up at Upper Roddlesworth the views are stunning – pity the beautiful leaves on the trees are destined for our fishery which will no doubt make things “interesting” in the coming weeks.

No shortage of water now as the reservoir is full to bursting and Roddlesworth Waterfall is running freely, unfortunately the cormorants have returned in number with six being reported regularly. Please report any damaged fish you catch, photos would be helpful too. Up to now no reports have come in so perhaps the stocking of larger fish is proving successful. The more rods on the water helps keep them away and the removal of members boats will also assist in deterring them.

Fishing is harder and less consistent now. There are days when it proves difficult to tempt a take and then days when catches are superb. 20% of this weeks report are nil returns which has brought the catch rates down drastically but the fishery still records 1.5 from the bank. Top of the water is muddlers, daddies and small black midge patterns but rods are returning reports of intermediate lines with nymphs, montana and black buzzers. Sunk lines with boobies are also coming to the fore, unusual for this fishery but currently working.

What we are missing in numbers we are enjoying in quality larger fish. Some fantastic photos of large brownies, (thank you!) and blues now showing regularly.

Enjoy the rest of the Autumn colours, see you on the bank.

Tight Lines


Bank 33 rods average  1.55

Boats 3 rods average   1.67

Total catch 56

Removed 26

Stocked to date 1850

Removed to date 586

17th October Catch Return

Apologies – it has been a while, but I have been away and looks like I have been missing out LARGE!!

On my last visit to the water, following the stocking in September, the water was probably at its lowest, not bad, but down nonetheless.

Now we are almost full, just as the Utilities Manager predicted. UU must have some awesome weather forecasts!

With the water being refreshed, the River Roddlesworth and the waterfall are both flowing freely, the fish are feeding consistently. In fact  although this report covers a full month, with 115 rods, only 4 blank reports and that probably down to the weather I reckon.

October has always proved successful as the fish move on to fry feeding so nymphs are coming in to their own, daddies – being a mouthful still catching well on the calmer days.

The cormorants have returned so the more rods we have out there the less they will take, and the larger stocked fish are more difficult for them to overcome but please keep reporting any damaged fish.

Huge thanks to our day ticket guests for your visits – your own catch average is 1.91! very commendable.

For members, thank you for your support on the bailiff day and please note the working party on the 30th to remove the boats – all those using the boats please make sure you can attend.


Bank 102 rods average  2.54

Boats 13 rods average   5.84

Total catch 336

Removed 99

Stocked to date 1850

Removed to date 560

14th September Catch Return

It just gets better!!  The recent rain and a drop in temperature has really meant consistent fishing both with members and our day ticket guests.

The fish are at all water depths so are being caught on top with dries, at mid water pulling a team of wets, or coming to lures stripped at a depth.

It seems some of the bigger fish have already moved on to the fry with cats whisker and muddlers starting to be reported as the fly of choice – dont give up on the big dries though when there is a breeze on!

The water is being extracted to top up the lower reservoirs but the recent wet weather is bringing fresh cool water down Roddlesworth River and this will continue for a while as the moors give up their spoils!! I reckon we are at our lowest point and the levels will improve from now on – good chance to cast a line on the north bank before it floods again.

Keep tight lines!!


Bank 45 rods average  3.13

Boats 3 rods average   5.40

Total catch 152

Removed 38

Stocked to date 1850

Removed to date 461

6th September Catch Return

Fish on!!We are flying with rod average bank now a solid 3 and boat (members) well over 8!

The consistent weather has settled the fish in to a solid feeding pattern and there have been some superb fishing days. Still the odd dog day if the wind has been up or strong sunlight but in the main Upper Roddlesworth is fishing as well as it has all season.

It has been great to welcome some day ticket guests for their first visit and to enjoy their surprise at how much water we do have and indeed how beautiful the  reservoir is.

The water continues to be drawn off but the recent downpours are balancing the levels. Overall we are down by 1.5m which, considering the weather, I am delighted that United Utilities have managed the resource so well.

Best methods continue to be dries, small and black or daddies. Wet fly tactics are working and so are those fishing “down and dirty” – so keep trying is the message.

Tight Lines as ever.


Bank 26 rods average  3.04

Boats 3 rods average   8.67

Total catch 105

Removed 23

Stocked to date 1550

Removed to date 423


Bank 26 rods average  3.04

Boats 3 rods average   8.67

Total catch 105

Removed 23

Stocked to date 1550

Removed to date 423

20th August Catch Return

Since the last report there has been record temperatures and water draw off to threaten our fishing but, thankfully, sympathetic management by our water warden, has resulted in only minor reductions in the water levels which are quickly returning as I write this report.

We are grateful to the efforts of the water management as many parts of the country are in dire straits and lots of fisheries have had to close. We are still open!! and have been able to restock for your pleasure with support from Kilsney Park Trout Farm.

Apart from a few dog days and some blank returns over the last few weeks, those skilled on the dry fly are doing well with daddies, black gnats, black sedge etc all catching. It seems small and black sometimes down to #16s are catching well – how does that work-the smaller the fly the bigger the fish??

Some belting browns have been coming out on the evening “rise” (whatever that is at Upper Roddlesworth because it starts at 4:00pm!) Thank you for the photos, keep them coming and I will endeavour to publish.

Huge thanks to the day ticket customers who have continued to support us and thanks to all members who continue to police the water and keep us secure.

Tight lines.


Bank 59 rods average 1.93

Boats 14 rods average 2.21

Total catch 145

Removed 53

Stocked to date 1550

Removed to date 400

30th July Catch Return

Certainly a tale of two cities!

The fishing continues to be a challenge, weather dependent, but can be superb when it is on. Who has the answer to when and where?

The water continues to be extracted but at a lower rate ( pardon the pun ) and at the time of publishing this report it is raining and has been throughout the day on and off. The forecast  looks unsettled so that may bring more wet weather which will be most welcome.

A number of new spots are now very fishable and a recent maintenance party has cleared the grasses and low branches and it has opened up easier bank fishing.

A couple of points to note, should you lose any line/flies in the trees when casting please inform us so we can take action to retreive it/them. The banks are clear of all such snags and it is important to keep it this way. Also the path at the top end of the north bank is now becoming treacherous so please be careful when negotiating,

In terms of the fish caught, browns continue to show well being 20% of the recorded numbers – and up to 4lb! Make sure your tippet can cope! Blues are conspicuous by their absence, they are in there but perhaps a bit shy still.

Thank you to all fishers who continue to fish on while it can be challenging, keeping the water secure.


Bank 40 rods average 1.03

Boats 12 rods average 2.24

Total catch 70

Removed 31

Stocked to date 1250

Removed to date 347

13th July Catch Return

As we move towards the holiday period there are a few less rods fishing and some really hot weather earlier this week has kept some of our regulars away. The forecast is for some even hotter conditions towards the end of this week and into next week which, together with some necessary water extraction from the reservoir, may make things a bit tricky.

However, depending on how the water level drops, access to fresh fishing spots may improve. There is some rain forecast which will bring welcome fresh conditions, particularly in to the top end .

One or two more Blues showing finally and some spectacular dry fly activity raising some lovely Browns either early morning or in the evening. Top flies are daddies, black hopper and black buzzers – not many reports now of lures working but that may be down to members prefering top of the water or nymphing techniques.


Bank 51 rods average 1.83

Boats 9 rods average 1.22

Total catch 103

Removed 34

Stocked to date 1250

Removed to date 316

2nd July Catch Return

More settled weather in the last week have improved conditions and better individual catches are being reported.

Some results continue to surprise but that may be that we have members enjoying shorter visits, particularly in the evenings, where the visit may be for an hour or two only.

The latest stockings are now showing regularly and have settled well. The number of large browns being reported is very encouraging with some splendid photos being sent to me – one was a definate 4lb’er at least.Keep the photos coming.

Thanks to all who joined us at the meeting at the reservoir on Saturday 2nd – it was great to put names to faces, please join us at the next one.


Bank 63 rods average 1.43

Boats 10 rods average 3.50

Total catch 125

Removed 37

Stocked to date 1250

Removed to date 282

24th June Catch Returns

Mmmm? Tough times then? The recent hot and bright weather has obviously upset the fishing with sporadic returns these last few days. No way to find any consistency with everything reporting from “on top” to way down deep” even during the same session!

Supposedly keep changing tactics until you find the best method and get into the fish – or just enjoy a great day out at Upper Roddlesworth in the fresh air and this lovely warmth and just wonderful surroundings.

Fortunately the latest stocking of fresh Kilsney Park Trout Farm hard fighting Rainbows.Blues and Browns have arrived in good time to stir up the resident fish and I am expecting some better returns now going forwards. Be careful as always – all the fish will give a good account of themselves.

The little wild brownies always make  themselves available to small dries and its true to say it isn’t the size of the trout in the fight, its the amount of fight in the trout!!

Tight lines to all!!

ps Members please note the members meeting at the reservoir 2nd July 10:00am


Bank 41 rods average 1.58

Boats 8 rods average 1.63

Total catch 78

Removed 13

Stocked to date 1250

Removed to date 245

10th June Catch Returns

Bit late with this report – but been away for the school half term and it seems I have missed out on some brilliant days at Upper Roddlesworth!

When compiling the fishery catch report this week, which includes 16 days results it was, at first, quite alarming with a number of blanks and low catches from even some of our regular fishers. In to the bank holiday however, things obviously looked up!

It seems that overall it has been weather dependant and, as the fish are now settling in, there have been some super days and then maybe some less so. It is clear that when it is on then the fish are taking well up in the water column. Dry flies, particularly cdc buzzer or suspender buzzers slowly drifted across the wind and naturals ie sedge patterns and daddys cast to rising fish are most productive.

The reservoir is in great shape with the flora and fauna and the water level remains high for the moment although such a long dry spell during most of May could result in some necessary extraction.


Bank 55 rods average 2.18

Boats 11 rods average 4.27

Total catch 167

Removed 42

Stocked to date 950

Removed to date 232

21st May Catch Returns

Now we are cooking!! What a fantastic weeks fishing at Upper Roddlesworth. This week over 40 members have fished, some for the first time this season – so welcome! Following the last stocking the resident fish have been showing well and inevitably some recently stocked fish have added to the scores. It is rewarding to see so many of our wild browns now being caught ( and returned safely – thank you ) most coming to small dry fly tactics close in to the bank where there is vegetation. Not sure what they are feeding on exactly because it is too early for the Hawthorn hatch and I have not yet seen a Mayfly on the wing. Please let me know if you see any evidence of these. Not much on the cormorant scene to report, one member suggested they may have gone away to breed – good for us in the short term but trusting they don’t bring their chicks to us!!

This is a brilliant time to be visiting our water, the bluebells are out in force and everything feels fresh and new, the water temperature just about right. Please keep the pedestrian gate locked, it does appear to be helping in keeping the public off the south bank – and therefore safe. A note to members to please support our day ticket guests  with access via the gate if they need it and dont be shy to share best tactics.

Tight Lines as always.


Bank 48 rods average 3.18

Boats 7 rods average 3.00

Total catch 172

Removed 38

Stocked to date 950

Removed to date 190

12th May Catch Returns

Brilliant week again at the fishery.

Although it has been a bit chilly, particularly out of the sun, the continued dry spell has led to some great condition and Upper Roddlesworth has performed well.

A busy week with over 70 rods out – although when I  have been doing the rounds it has never seemed that way, there is plenty of room and at this stage of the season the vegetation isn’t an issue.

At the end of last week the heavy rain on Friday evening has raised the water level and the incoming stream continues to to be pushing in the volume.Colder water may have put the fish off feeding a bit as the catches at the weekend were a bit lower than during the week.

The fish are definately higher in the water now with more reports of naturals doing the business – buzzers obviously – but drys also proving successful during the evening rises which are now more consistent. Lures still will work and Black or Orange being the most popular.

As the forthcoming week is bringing some warmer weather in the forecast things can only get better!!

See you on the water – tight lines!


Bank 61 rods average 2.13

Boats 11 rods average 4.00

Total catch 174

Removed 63

Stocked to date 950

Removed to date 152

5th May Catch Returns

Following a return to “normal” another bank holiday hits and fishing activity booms again! I didn’t report on the last week of April as the numbers of rods dropped significantly and the fishing was patchy.

This week however – brilliant results! The fish are now taking higher in the water with dry fly catches growing and nymph the norm with mainly floating lines. Lures will still work but, from the boat returns particularly, the stocked fish are settling down well.

Cormorant damage is being reported more and more,which is a growing concern, although in the main the trout seem to cope and still present a good fight. Any photographs of damaged fish would be appreciated.


Bank 30 rods average 2.6

Boats 7 rods average 3.8

Total catch 104

Removed 28

Stocked to date 650

Removed to date 89

17th April Catch Returns

A great weekend with some settled weather meant the Easter break proved very productive.

The second week from the 4th to the 11th was a bit challenging to say the least! Cold easterlies and frosty mornings did result in a few blank returns  but last week has been much better and some good catches from both regular rods and some new faces.

There have been some issues with walkers, particularly with dogs, which means the pedestrian gate opposite the jetty will be locked. Members can access this with their lodge/gate key and I would ask them to look after any of our dayticket visitors if they need to use the gate. Most dayticket visitors do access the reservoir by the dam so it should not prove too difficult.

There have now been two stockings completed with 650 stunning rainbows and blues from Kilsney Trout Farm. The minimum stocked size is 2.25lb and I can witness that there are some real crumpers amongst them – maybe even a surprise brown or two!! Be careful not to fish too light a leader.


Bank 50 rods 96 fish caught average 1.92

Boat  7 rods  20 fish caught average  2.86

Total fish caught 116

Fish removed 40

Total stocked to date 650

Total removed to date 61

10% of the catch were blue – which are now featuring and being returned on the whole, thank you all for that. If you do get in to one hold on tight – they are incredible and likely to go aerial!

The usual array of flies are working, cats whisker and montana nymph have been featuring but lately damsel nymph is the lure of choice. Our regular members are having success on buzzers, bloodworm and crunchers and, when conditions are calm, black gnat fished dry will rise the resident fish.

In general the fish are lying in the top layers of the water and still close in to the bank.

Thank you to all members who have come to fish and particularly our members who supported the call to bailiff the water – it is brilliant that you were able to manage that. Eyes on the water is our best protection.

Tight lines as always,

Peter Wilding

Fisheries Officer

4th April Catch Returns

Fantastic start to the season!

The weather being particularly kind on opening day with warm sunshine and light winds which carried on until midweek. Colder, wetter weather put the fish down but rods still recorded good results. The fish appear to be sitting just a few feet down and most catches were to floating lines or sink tip floaters and the usual variety of lures, nymphs –  slowly retrieved and one or two rods reporting fish coming to buzzers.

There have been a few day tickets but only one return at the moment. Please do send your catch returns in so that I can report on day ticket catches seperately and, particularly if fish are removed, stock accordingly.

It would be a real benefit also to report on cormorant sightings on your catch return. There now appear to be three birds resident and it would be most helpful to monitor these.

Some work has been carried out to improve the fishery and this will continue. Vigilance is needed when fishing the North bank, particularly at the top end, and keep watch for walkers who should not be on the banks at all.


Bank 36 rods 71 fish caught average 1.97

Boat  2 rods  8 fish caught average  4.00

Total fish caught 75

Fish removed 21

Within the above only 4 Blues and 5 Browns so they are proving a bit shy at the moment.

Well done to member D Robertson with an excellent 7.0 average from one visit.

A great start, keep up the visits which will naturally deter the public from the banks, keep up the catch rates.See you on the reservoir.

Tight Lines All!!

Peter Wilding

Fishery Officer

31st March 

We are open!!

Upper Roddlesworth opened on the 28th as promised. The fishery is well stocked with the stunning Rainbows and Blues from Kilsney Park Skipton and they are eager to come out!

Book in at the usual outlets at Brinscall Post Office or the Pet Shop adjacent to Millingtons Fishing Shop Steeley Lane Chorley or indeed on this site using the day ticket tab.

You will find our members friendly and approachable and will share the info on how the reservoir is fishing – or  I will be there to assist if I am on the water.

Tight Lines

Peter Wilding

Fishery Officer